The guys' mothers come to town for a special Mother's Day brunch at the Warsaw. Kate introduces everyone to her new stepmother, who looks exactly like her. Beulah praises Steve for getting married and starting a family of his own, and all of the mothers nag their kids to follow his example. A web site publishes a list of the biggest Internet porn users in Cleveland, which is scrolled onscreen during the news. The moms are mortified to discover that Drew, Kate, Lewis, Oswald and Wick are on the list. The gang sues to have its names taken off the list. The mothers, led by Beulah and Mrs. Wick, decide to move back in with their kids to get their lives back on the right path. They throw out all of their porn and beer and generally drive them crazy. Mimi's grandmother feels that the women should lighten up. After Beulah catches Drew drinking, she and the other mothers elect to testify on behalf of the anti-porn users site. Drew represents the gang after its lawyer proves incompete 2025