Pruitt Dover is owed $100 by Ax Parsons. They struggle over a knife after drinking heavily. Pruitt wakes up. Parson is dead with the knife in his chest. Louie Pheeters sees Pruitt ride off. The Elkader sheriff has Pruitt in jail. Matt goes and picks him up. On the way back, a crazy old man shoots Matt. Pruitt kills the guy in a struggle over his knife. Pruitt digs the bullet out. He takes Matt's gun and rides off as he sleeps. He returns, he has been hunting. Back in Dodge he is locked up. Judge Brooking Matt's friend is sick and Judge Henry is in town. Matt speaks up for Pruitt. Henry finds him guilty and sentences him to hang. Matt heads to Hays City with Pruitt for the hanging. Matt tells Pruitt to get on his horse and escape. He does but changes his mind and catches up to Matt. They reach Hays and Pruitt is hung. 2025