Skits: - Old Lady Falls Down (SKMB)(3): old lady falls down, man takes her oranges (Police Department) - Psychic Artist (DK)(3): Dave's draws a person he has never seen, based only on the sound of his voice - Gavin's Love (all)(3): Gavin falls in love with his babysitter (Gavin, Gavin's mother) - Mr. Heavyfoot Puts on his Pants* (DK)(3): (Mr. Heavyfoot) - Buddy's Bar -- Paris (S)(3): Buddy discusses his time in Paris (Buddy) - Street Singers 1 (BM)(3): the street singers sing on the street (Street Singers) - Mr. Heavyfoot Hates the Movie* (D)(3): (Mr. Heavyfoot) - Street Singers 2 (all)(3): the street singers in their home (Street Singers) 2025